Scott and Jeanette Frazer lead a quiet life outside of La Crosse, Wisconsin growing all manner of things on their organic farm, cooking incredible meals from the fruits of their labor, and religiously supporting the bands that tour through their region (I met them because they are fans of my own band, Porky's Groove Machine).
They came to me as they were finishing their second year of producing CBD oil. The first year, they sold to a bulk distributor who was combining their product with other potentially less carefully produced product, repackaging it under their name, and selling it at an immense profit. So they decided to enter the commercial market themselves, selling at regional farmers markets and shops.

I decided early on that I wanted to give the label a flair that would set it apart from the rather generic brands one sees in the supplements aisle at the co-op. Their [unnamed] rooster, always a staple of a visit Frazer's Farm, is prominently featured resplendent in hemp plumage. He lives on a selection of vibrant backgrounds reminiscent of the tie-dye and psychedelic colors that accompany the funk bands they love and support. Cooper Light, a quietly funky typeface, is paired with Brandon Grotesque to firmly ground the look in our time while clearly transmitting crucial information at tiny type sizes (these things were 4 inches wide by 1.5 inches tall).

The famous, yet unnamed rooster showing off his grand plumage.